Study Goals

Is there any perfect way to be? Is there perfect method available?

Whenever I don't achieve the desired goals for my studies I ask this to myself. I used to spend lot of time in planning. Nothing happened. I stopped planning at all. Nothing happened.

I tried to be moderate and balance between the planning and execution but no results came. Ultimately the problem was defferent.

I stopped focusing on results or desiring about perfect goals but still guilt didn't leave me. I never studied as I wanted. I thought a lot.

I was focused on the concious mind more than subconscious mind. No, I am not going to tell you the power of subconscious mind. As it'll be of no use untill you yourself decide to do that.

But I want to share one learning from Atomic Habit. We need to make the work so simple to start with that we can't avoid it at all. That's where we first fail.

Second reason for the failure is our inability to continue consistently. That's where games and social media apps teach us how to get hooked. You can also read the book named hooked for that if you want.

I just love to dig deeper into all topics but after some point of time I loose the focus from the same easily. This happens with study more easily as I am never interested in the first place. Just kidding I like my subjects of curriculum as much as any other topics I study just for fun. I chose my degree with interest and not by force of anyone.

Even though I knew very less when I started and that's actually helped eventually to learn deep. But the problem still remains. I can't get consistent. I think this happens with everyone.

We just need to be consistent with the task and in no time it becomes a habit we all need to have to achieve the desired goals. I am yet to achieve the same.

But I am keeping the track of my daily habits by simply tick making it in app. I have tried to have only few of them to make it simple.

Here also I was not able to study and suddenly realised what I used to do in school. We used to study hard and smart. We used to understand the concept once but then focusing on multiple revision with lot of practice of problems. That's why I used to score good.

I'm going to repeat the same so thought of sharing this with you all because sometimes this kind of small things we can easily forget in this world of information.
Hope this will help you.


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