How to improve Memory

The show I watched yesterday telling that we remember the thing that is  attached with strong emotion. Also we remember the photo or visual data more easily than other.

As naturally we are built to remember images and situations affecting us emotionally we can do that easily but when it comes to numbers or words ?? We forget many things even though it is easy to remember.

From the above data we can see that if we try to conceptually understand the things we have to remember like the topics we study in college or school and also try to emotionally get attached with that;

OR in other words if we try to connect the topic with its practical applicability, to attach it with some emotion, we can easily remember that.

Let's take example: It is difficult to remember historical dates and names many time. So now if we consider the date & name as story which actually is there already and if it is about king than also attach our self with bravery of King or hatred for him, if he is bad, than we may as telling the story about that King to someone remember the date & name easily.

As we remember stories easily you can also try to make short stories where it is not available just to remember everything properly.

I repeat that without any emotion or image of data you try to remember it is not easy task to do.

So try this new technique for your studies which may be helpful to you. Instead of mesmerising it will be easy this way.


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