Hobby (Sunday Story)

If you have hobbies then please don't let it go away due to your work and responsibility.

Everyone must give few time to hobbies. I was going to let my hobby of blogging go away for month as I have exams.

But now I know that this few minutes of writing is not wasting of my time even if I have exams as it is tonic and motivation for me to do my studies and be fresh and happy.

Thinking about the results of the exams may be is more distracting than this hobby.

As I start thinking about result whether good or bad but get nothing whereas here I get 100% satisfaction. Focusing on studies instead to think about result is good.

Same way to be fresh giving few time to blogging is also good or I would say better.

What about you? Bored with routine life? Today is Sunday. Let it be the starting for your old/new hobby and  be more creative, enthusiastic and happily satisfied.

Happy Sunday.

Note: If liked please comment so I can get that I am going in right direction.
       Suggestions are welcomed.


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