
Showing posts from May, 2018

Don't Think, Just Do.

If you have many desires and problems also here is sure short solution. It may not be fully correct still it is good enough to solve some of your problems. Start writing about your problem and desires take a pen and paper right now. Start with desires. Add "why?" after every desire. Get answer for it. Repeat the process until you get the answer the " happiness ". Your last reason for any desired must be happiness otherwise it is not your desire but the need of the greed you got from the others. Now start writing about your problems. After you list down all your problems start categorising them. The category should be : 1. 'cannot be solved' 2. 'need not to be solved';and 3. 'can be solved' You will understand that now you have to focus on only those which you can solve or which need your attention more. You will now also understand that you have to stop thinking about those problems which you cannot deal with. Now you will be more fo