Wrong Decision

One beautiful event in which one musician met a normal man and in their conversion the man say I also love music. Listening that musician ask naturally, Really ! Then what type of instrument do you play? And suddenly normal guy say that he is talking about how he enjoy it listening and he don't know playing any instrument.

Musician after getting that say that then you say 'I like listening music'. Here the small difference can be big one. The situation like this happen to us and more to students. As they start to enjoy watching or listening something they think they will to do that, too.

But to watch a movie and to make it, to like acting and doing it is far more different than each other. One you like and other you may not.

We all love to use smart phones and different apps in it and get interest in making an app but as soon as we start we can got bored. Choosing wrong career have this also as one of the reason for it. Especially when student independently decide that.
When parents influence the decision that become the totally different story which is not considered here.

Many youngsters and mid-age people feel regretful when they think they can't pursue their dream career but if they could what was the chance to love it whole life without skills needed for it that's the thing to think about.

The reason for not getting success and right decisions is not having right knowledge. Education system also is reason. The experience, knowledge and some information which we can say as "Test drive" is not given for the career we want to pursue to let us take right decisions.

Just by salary, job status, fees for course and marks required to get entry in the course become the deciding factors of career for a person. Money matters more than life's happiness and satisfaction.

Right ?


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