
What should be free?
I think health and education sector should be free for all. Then and then only we can have beautiful world as we want.

Any society, state or country can grow only in that environment where all people have equal right on education and health-care services. It is need which is equal to food, clothes and home.

May be we should build more school a & hospitals than shopping malls, clubs, different sport's ground and may be temples, too.

When we preserve the past and nurture the future than only we will live happily in present.

We never should forget that we also wanted exciting and enjoyable education when we were kids and we will need love and care whenever will get old and ill.

Remember when you got ill. How did you feel? Don't you wanted to have someone near you to love and care about you and treat you well to make you well from ill.

May be as I think, you think and all people start understanding this fact. And now only few schools and hospitals are providing free services but in future all will be free and still best as was in the past. Yes it was in past.

But instead of praising that past let us learn from it and try to take initial step towards that future by trying as much as we can to contribute in this initiative.


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