Definition of Success

•A person having million dollars as salary but still work till last day of his life.

•Another person work in government job and live retired life before even getting actual retirement.

•Third person, having good idea of business, established that business and sell it for million dollars few years later and retire at age of 30.

Which one you chose ?

I may choose " non of the above ".


Here the story starts,
Everyone want success but never get because of influence of society. Have ever you tried to figure it out the true definition of success ?

First of all success is different from the basic needs. Which is now more than food, clothes & home and become health, education ( which should always be the need ) , car, mobile, TV, internet etc.

Try to think just once deeply and without remembering anything you have heard about success that " WHAT IS SUCCESS ?" AND " WHY I NEED IT ?"

Answer is:
It is the happiness. The state of mind of being happy all the time.

But how is this possible ? You will see no one who is happy all the time. Yeah I also have not seen anyone around me happy every time.

So be the first in surrounding as there are many in the world who is happy all the time.

Define Happiness
Here to be happy doesn't means to laugh or too much excited.
But to be in peace and filled with happiness irrespective of the situation or result you get for anything.

BIG Question :
• Should now we never chase money, job, wealth or even health ?

BIG Answer :
• You must earn good amount of money, get good job/business/profession, generate wealth and maintain good health.

Then what is the problem as no one is achieving success.

Problem is we wrongly define success as may be for someone to reach mountain is success but evenif I or you have not gone at top of mountain and may we never in life still we all can be happy without reaching mountain top.

Same way everyone just chasing to be No. 1 and only one will be one so what the rest should do ? Run for never ending race ?

No. Then what ? Here is answer.

• Do not make your need your success goal.

• Success goal is happiness every time for everyone even if anyone believe it or not.

• It can be achieved only by UNDERSTANDING.
Understanding what ?
That happiness is related with inside body:
and not with outside world including:
1. Anything,
2. Anyone.

• You can be happy just by smiling. Even if no one is smiling around you or you are alone just try this trick of smiling. After a short while you feel happy and clam.

• So what you got ? You have to first "do happy" and then only you will "be happy". You can't swim before going in pool. Same way you can't be happy from outer side world's things or people. It must be done not depending by you on anything else.


• It is your choice whether you want to cry on your failure or want to start immediately your NEXT TRIAL.

• All the outside topic like job, family, money etc. are not goal of success.

• And as you started thinking like that way now you will not worry as if you will achieve it ( the goal/ success ) or not.

• As a wise man say, "Do work happily and don't do it to be happy" then and then only you will be happy and successful.

• Unless and until you don't understand that your happiness is not dependent on outside world you will not even enjoy any achievements you have got in job, business or even studies.

• Success of life is learning to be happy all time.
And after that even if you are clerk or big businessman there will be no difference.

This is true success.


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