How much Far Future you can see ?

One step OR one moment OR one minute. That's it. Not a percent more, not a percent less.

We can't see future more than I said above. We can only imagine the future and in that case we can imagine anything but remember "Imagine".

It is not truth at all. Still many believe in that imaginary future which make them depressed.

Surety of happening something is limited. So let us start focusing on reality. Even though I say much you definitely imagine about future.

Now analyze the facts:
•You imagine future;
•It may/may not happen;
•You will be happy/excited/sad/worried/depressed.

If you focus on Present then
•You do what you should;
•No wastage of time;
•No depression still happy as you are doing your work.

Time is everything you have.


Time is everything you have.

Nothing else. So please focus on it. And which time you have? I don't think it is necessary to say that "It is Present/Today/This moment."

Very common. Now advice over.
Time to talk.

I am still worried about my results and I have not even given exams till now.

I am also excited about my job in future with handsome salary.
But I should rather focus on my preparation of exam as it will only give me confidence, marks, knowledge and better chance to have bright future.

Tell me what should I do?

Future is mystery. And to solve that we have to focus on present. I know it still I did that silly mistake of think about results instead of preparing for exams.

No one can see future. Now I know. So I am going to focus on now.
What about you?


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