Carpe Diem

How many of us really live today like it is never going to be tomorrow. May be no one and that's why we feel boring and tired.

If really it is our last day do we live it like to pass or kill the time. Even we work with the best efforts to get best result and get happy even before knowing the results as we have given our best.

Love your family, give everyone a smile, help other and stop worrying. Enjoy every byte of your meal, get relaxed with nature around you, laugh like child and stop being fake.

It is easy to say but not easy to be happy everyday with all new energy to live. But this one thought may help us.

Past is gone, Future is unknown, You have only TODAY so live it like your best Holiday.

You have to do your regular work as it is necessary but we can do it happily if we can get that we don't know about future so dreaming to be happy at future is not good.

Be happy now as who know about future. Don't just wait for weekends or festivals to enjoy life and do it now.

Difficult? Yeah, then wait for future as it may come or may not. I try to take control on my happiness. You can give control to future which is not in your hand.

Be happy even if it is difficult as
"Today is gift that's why called Present"


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