Instant Success

No, I am not going to give tips to get instant success instead I am going to request you not run after it.

People think if they can't get instant success they got failed. Due to that they stop trying and never get success which they may have in future.

They don't see the big picture. You can definitely get failure by not trying anymore or surely get success in future by trying. It may take time of years.

Yes, years. As soon as people hear it they decide in mind to discontinue their work. But most of the successful companies/people had it after many years of their starting.

Just as we got few instant successful people/companies (out of which many got failed afterwards) we assume it will happen with us, too.

Simple thing ignored by many is:
You will have to work hard, even harder many times, after success.

We think like we succeed instantly and then work like retired person as if business/work will automatically run/done.

We hate to work hard without success and make excuse if I had succeeded it had given me motivation to work harder. Do you agree?

As I did before. But then I thought what is reality ? Reality is people need time believe in you, your business, quality, capability etc. It also took time to get famous among the buyers.

Lucky person get instant success but one minute, luck is not in your hand like remote to switch it on-off. You have mind+body.

So think and do work. Either you can be where you are or can take steps to walk if can't run and get yourself upper and ahead from yesterday.

There are few successful as few tried harder without watching and waiting for results. Amazon, Ali Baba's owner are example of people who took time to succeed but see what they had lost if stopped trying.

But we see only Facebook, right. See. The ultimate choice is yours.
No single person other than you can change your destiny.

Everyone gets opportunities. Only few wait for it, see that and have trained themselves to be able to grab it.

Take you too far, right?  Let's end it with my story.

I one time chose instant success which I didn't get and so stopped working. Second time I saw the big picture that it will take at least 10 years to succeed fully. So started working without waiting for getting any success and enjoying it.

Too long do you think 10 years are for getting success ? I am just 22 and get my achievements at 32. People get it at age of 45, 55, 65, & even 75. Not too late as we see it now, is it?

I have started achieving small success even from now in few months. I celebrate it and start working harder. Lastly I understood it that we can easily enjoy the journey more than success's destination.

I am happy as I knew it now and not after reaching at destination as I may not able do anything else except regrating at that moment.

So you also don't be late as it is never late and start enjoying whatever 'smallest', 'not so special' journey you are in now instead of being unhappy for not getting big instant success.

"Best of 'Luck' " with "Lots of 'Love' "


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