Fear of What will people think about me

Fear don't let us do what we want to. I always wanted to change that situation for me. I stopped myself from writing on many topics due to this fear. I was thinking what will people think about me if in the future I will not have same views as I have  now about the topic.

I have this behaviour of changing my opinion about some topics due to changes in time, situation and my knowledge regarding that topic and life. I think many will have the same behaviour.

The overall experience of life and our subconscious mind affect the thinking of person. And our subconscious mind is programmed to act automatically on many situations which we don't know about and even if we know but are not aware at that time when it's actually performing automatically without our control.

This is why even if we decide to do/not do something we fail in it. We can't even fulfill the promise we make to ourselves. We are not always be same as we were before. We will improve. I should instead of saying "improve" should say "change". Because it is the truth. We change and we should not lable it always as good or bad.

So instead acting fake I want to accept myself as I am. This acceptance will help me to improvise (yeah I know it shouldn't be labled) wherever it's needed.

Because whenever we ignore problems we think it's gone. We think problem solved. But in reality we are just making it bigger and harder to solve. Embracing and facing the situation and accepting the difficulty of solving the problem make us stronger.

This is why I face the situation and now don't have fear that what will people think. I may change my views and you can think whatever you want But it will not make me fake. I am not the one who don't change according to the situation and it will never affect my morals and ethics.

The complexity of Right and Wrong is not actually understood by all those people who are using it everywhere judging everyone without applying their mind correctly. I will just ignore all of them instead of having fear of them.


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