Idiot Box

I used to watch TV in most of the free time I got in my school days. It was time when internet and computer was not popular in my world. Many parents (Not my mom, lucky me) used to tell their children to read a book instead of watching TV which they usually call idiot box.

And then one day Teacher was taking the lecture when a girl, who used to get first rank in each and every exams, stopped teacher from teaching wrong thing about internet. At that time (I don't know about now) 95% of internet usage was done from cables spread in deep sea and on lands of different countries and  continents. Only 5% was done by satellite.

The fact was shown by girl in safari magazine. I knew that so agreed with that. Teacher asked me that why I didn't tell that before if I knew that. I replied like nothing but it was class for business administration in which this internet was only sub-part of part of topic so I ignored that.

Now the main story here is how did I and only that girl knew this fact and not anyone else. She knew as she read a magazine related to science and I because of TV. Yes, TV.

People think the key to success is some specific type of behaviour. Like just because few scientific researchers said that classical music help in studies every student need not to listen it as many other researchers has proven that any type of music will help you in studies.

You not always just need to do as other successful people did. As it will never give you success. From TV or Internet also you can get knowledge and not only from books but it can be done by your choice of what type of thing you want to see on TV or internet.

I was never used to read books (which I am now as I like it now) but learned many things from TV as I watched informative shows and even I learned many things from cartoon shows, too. I learned many lessons of life from movies and most from animated cartoon movies.

So in the end an idiot box can also make you genius if you want to and more than that if you choose to.

It's all in your choice.


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