Self confidence

Big topic, don't ?

But it is not a topic of article or life. It is part of you. Without that don't you feel incomplete and more than that sad, also lost in journey of life.

We easily loose it like keys or glasses. Neglecting self confidence is to neglecting your energy, power, skills and intelligence and also  emotions which is your nature.

Who can get something and mostly success in life directly connected with happiness by neglecting confidence. Not believing in yourself or forgetting confidence give you powerful reason to fail.

How can you know your strength ? Stop reading and ask yourself.

Just by doing something, trying new things and going beyond your imaginary limits. People never should put upper limit for their abilities. That is how you can DISCOVER YOUR NEW ABILITIES giving you more confidence.

Confidence never come from outside but come from your believes. That's why successful people say target highest goals.

Many think I may can't do that. First get burning literally burning desire for what you want and now start with small steps.

You may laugh when you deeply understand that in many activities you failed while learning but at that time your so called big EGO was not there. Examples are all the things you learned from the language you speak to the vehicle you drive and each work you do.

We fear to fail as we fear to loose our reputation and image. Remember 'stupid people' laugh on others' failure but Biggest Idiot Stupid and Dumb people stop trying due to this stupid one's laughter.

I don't need to give you example as you will find in many books, magazines and articles about successful people who failed earlier and people laughed on them and then after success praised them, too.

So remember one thing success journey is big one and long, too; so each day you will able to take small steps only but may one day with big opportunity you may also take big jump and with or without that jump achieve many of your goals. So never loose confidence.

Decide at age of 35, 45, 55, 65.... :

1.  You want to be enthusiastic, happy, energetic, discovering new thing, enjoying.....


2.  You want to be same as ten years ago, depressed, tired, sad....

Money, fame is by product for best work done which may not even needed or neglected as joy ,coming from work, is enough.

Note: This advice is written for me by me. Hopefully it also help many including me. I am also learning and developing... it is secret to continuous, unlimited and independent happiness.


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