World Book Day special

In 1455, Gutenberg printed his first book, a Latin Bible . In 1475 Englishman William Caxton produced the first book printed in English, The Recuyell of the Historyes of Troye. The Diamond Sutra is the world's oldest known printed book. It was 'made' in AD 868. Knowledge part over now feeling part. Take a book you have if it is near. Touch it. Open it. Touch each page. If you are lover of reading and you have your one of the favourite book in your hand you will surely feel what I am telling you about. This is amazing feeling. A friend, guide and love can be A BOOK . It is what will feel your loneliness easily and give you strength also to enter outside "your world" to "the world" with full confidence & courage. People who are book lovers especially the readers are not always introvert but if they are then a good book can make them a confident person who can talk in front of anyone. For me A Book is Silent Talker Friend . W...